Notre métier en RGPD et en CYBER : Auditer, Expertiser, Accompagner, Former et Informer
EXPERTISES VOTES ELECTRONIQUES : Expertise de systèmes de vote électronique et d'élections par Internet MISE EN CONFORMITÉ RGPD & CYBER : Accompagnement de votre établissement à la démarche de mise en conformité avec le RGPD et en CYBERSÉCURITÉ Expertise de systèmes de vote électronique - votes par Internet FORMATIONS & SEMINAIRES RGPD & CYBER ARNAQUES & PIRATAGES : Restez informé sur les techniques utilisées par les pirates informatiques

GDPR compliance: Request for costing estimate

You seem to express an interest in the GDPR (perhaps a little by obligation) and you want to tell us about a project. We thank you for your confidence.
Intervening on Data Protection missions since 2012, after having identified different types of expectations, we have adapted our offers so that they best meet your needs.

Thus, we can assist you in bringing your structure into compliance in several ways : :

  1. Are you looking for autonomy ?
    We can assist you to learn the essentials of European regulations relating to the Protection of Personal Data and the necessary to understand and start a compliance. Once the training is completed, you are independent but can always count on our support either in the form of personalized training, or in the form of personalized support;
    At the end of this training, we will give you a certificate proving the implementation of a process to bring your establishment into compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). For information, we are referenced to the CNIL.
  2. Do you want to be accompanied for the implementation of compliance ?
    We carry out for you the audit which will highlight the points to be improved. At the end of this stage you can, if you wish, achieve compliance or let us proceed with the improvements that you have validated;
    At the end of this audit, we will give you a report proving the implementation of corrections as part of your process to bring your establishment into compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations).
  3. Do you want to entrust all of your compliance?
    In a perfectly complementary way with your IT service provider and possibly with your legal department, we can take care of the entire process of bringing your establishment into compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the various regulations relating to the protection of Personal Data.
    From the audit to the follow-up, you can count on our technical and educational expertise so that your establishment is supported externally.

In order to send you a personalized proposal adapted both to the needs of your structure, in accordance with your strategy and your priorities, we would like you to answer these few questions :

    We guarantee extreme confidentiality on the information communicated. Persons authorized to consult this information are subject to professional secrecy.

    Do not hesitate to communicate as many details as possible, this will allow us to better understand your expectations.

    In order to better understand your request and establish a quote, please provide us with the information requested below and click on the "Send entered informations" button at the bottom of this page for us to receive it. You will receive an answer quickly.

    Details about your activity :
    Are you subject to professional secrecy? YesNoI don't know
    Does your activity depend on regulations? YesNoI don't know
    If "Yes", which one or which ones?

    Can you describe the composition of your computer system. We would like, in the form of an enumeration, to know the equipment which has any access to personal data with for each device ALL the software (s) used and their function (s) .
    Examples :

    - 1 WEB server with website to publicize my activity;

    - 1 desktop computer with billing software to bill my clients;

    - 2 laptops including:
         > 1 with email software to correspond with clients and prospects + word processing for correspondence + billing software to bill my clients ...
         > 1 with email software to correspond with customers and prospects + accounting software to do the accounting for my company ;

    - 1 smartphone with email software to correspond with customers and prospects.

    Do you have one or more websites? YesNoI don't know
    What is (are) this (thoses) website (s)?
    Do you have data in the Cloud? YesNoI don't know
    Which cloud providers do you use?

    If you have already established it, could you provide us with the list of processing of personal data (even if it is incomplete)?

    Number of employees in your structure :
    How many of these employees use computer equipment ?
    Number of departments or departments ** in your structure (example: Commercial service, technical service ...) :
    Please list the services or departments ** of your structure:

    Do you work with sub-contractors? YesNoI don't know
    Please list these subcontractors :
    Do you work with service providers who work on your premises or in your agencies (even remotely) ? YesNoI don't know
    Please list these providers :
    How many IT companies do you work with ?
    Please list these IT companies indicating the products or services for which they operate and possibly their country of establishment :

    Does your establishment exchange data with foreign countries ? YesNoI don't know
    If "Yes", with which country(ies)?
    Have you already been made aware of the GDPR ? YesNoI don't know
    Have people using IT equipment already been made aware of the GDPR ? YesNoI don't know
    If you or your employees have not been made aware of the GDPR, would you like to undergo training ? YesNoI don't know

    The analysis of the data processing conditions in your professional premises or your professional premises is part of the compliance process.
    Do you have several offices, agencies etc. legally dependent on your establishment ? YesNo
    If "Yes", how much ?
    In which city (ies) (and country if not in France) do you or your employees work ?

    We can support you in different ways.
    A) We can teach you to become autonomous (training) ;
    B) We can support you at the start and then help you become independent (support, audit + training) ;
    C) We can choose to entrust us with the entire process of compliance (support) ;
    D) We can accompany you in a personalized way (thank you to detail your expectations).

    What type of support do you want from us (A / B / C / D + details) ?

    If you wish, you can send us additional information such as:
    - Emergency of your project;
    - Any additional information that you deem useful to allow us to better understand your project.

    Les informations recueillies sont enregistrées dans la messagerie électronique et le système informatique de LeNetExpert pour les traitements correspondant à la gestion de vos demandes et la proposition de services correspondant à votre demande. Le lieu de traitement de stockage et de sauvegarde se situe en France et auprès d'établissements respectant le bouclier de protection des données UE-États-Unis (en anglais : EU-US Privacy Shield). Elles sont conservées 3 ans après notre dernier échange et sont destinées aux services internes. Une démarche de mise en conformité a été entamée en interne depuis 2010 et jusqu'à ce jour par des formations régulières, l'identification des traitements, la réalisation d'un registre des traitements, une analyse de risques sur nos traitements manipulant des données sensibles ou des  « données à caractère hautement personnel » pour lesquels leur violation pourrait avoir de graves conséquences dans la vie quotidienne des personnes concernées et un suivi semestriel. Conformément au Règlement (UE) 2016/679 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 avril 2016 dit RGPD (Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données), à la loi n°78-17 dite «Informatique et Libertés» du 6 janvier 1978 et à la Loi n° 2018-493 du 20 juin 2018 relative à la protection des données personnelles, vous pouvez exercer votre droit d’accès aux données vous concernant et les faire rectifier en contactant Le Net Expert, Monsieur le Délégué à la Protection des Données – 1 les Magnolias – 84300 CAVAILLON par Recommandé avec accusé de réception. Enfin, sur le fondement des articles 131-13, 222-17, 222-18, 222-18-1, 322-12, 322-13, R-621-1, R-621-2, R-623-1, R-624-3, R-624-4, R 631-1 et R634-1 du code Pénal et l'article 29 de la loi du 29 juillet 1881 sur la liberté de la presse, votre adresse IP horodatée est également collectée.

    Sauf indication contraire ou information publique, nous nous engageons à la plus totale discrétion et la plus grande confidentialité concernant les informations que vous nous communiquez.

    ** = for example, commercial service, technical service, educational service, administrative and financial service ...

    or send an email to RGPD[at]


    Denis JACOPINI is our Expert who will accompany you in your compliance with the GDPR.

    Let me introduce myself: Denis JACOPINI. I am an expert in sworn IT and specialized in GDPR (protection of Personal Data) and in cybercrime. Consultant since 1996 and trainer since 1998, I have experience since 2012 in compliance with the regulations relating to the Protection of Personal Data. First technical training, CNIL Correspondent (CIL: Data Protection Correspondent) then recently Data Protection Officer (DPO n ° 15845), as a compliance practitioner and trainer, I support you in all your procedures for compliance with the GDPR.

    « My goal is to provide all my experience to bring your establishment into compliance with the GDPR. »
